Friday, August 1, 2008

Once again, another good night..

-School in the morning
(slept for an hour in my car)

-Corner Bakery with Elanda
-Project/hmwk doing at Roxannes

-went to taco bell..grubbed on some tacos and chalupas
-and then went to find the little red thingy that holds keys
-and then finding out how to fill up Gas..i would've never guessed

then disneyland!!
finally got the Halloween ticket..=]
still waiting to get mikes...sorry mike
but, we saw madi today, and then went on haunted mansion, and then pirates!
chilled, ate some pinapple whip, talk to my GF
watched fantasmic in the front!!! yea take that little kids!!!
then went on snow white, pinnochio, Mr. Toad, and then Peter Pan

then went home and listened to "We're Pollinators!!!"
good night, could've been better, RIGHT CAMI?
but its cool..the day will come..

can't wait for tomorrow..gonna be a good day