Thursday, August 14, 2008

...what a weird day...
i've been i guess stressing most of the day, and there was really no need for that...
maybe its mid-term week and i'm thinking ahead, which is causing me to apprehend.

woke up this morning, went to school.
did some stuff for math. and then went to starbucks with Lauren.
After we went to Speech class and had our mid term presentation.
the topic was, "I Am...", pretty much i had to define myself by using 3 objects or person or place to define what/who i am..
1) i am a Car, because i am out going.
2)i am Disneyland because i'm a character, i bring smile to other Young adults and adults.
3)i am a small act of kindness.
the speech had to be 3-5 minutes max...i did mine in like 3/4 minutes, and honestly, it wasn't that good. The teacher decided to give me an A+, i'll take it but i honestly don't think it was A+ material...maybe it's because i made up the speech 2 hours before class started, so i wasn't confident...

After effective speaking class i had math... that shit sucked..

After school i went home, changed really quick and picked up cami from the church and then went to my Grandma's viewing...i saw a lot of relatives that i haven't seen in a long breaks my heart that i dont bond with them as much as i used to when i a child...=/
i really want to see them tomorrow at my grandma's funeral/ burial...but mid terms....=[
i'm so heart broken because of that....

After the viewing, the parentals and i went to the usual, a pho place on brookhurst and westminster....yea i know theres like 29507495 on that little corner, but theres a specific one that we go too... ahah.. that was good..

After dinner cami and i went home..i took a nap, woke up at 12ish...and had to take cami home..
After i dropped off cami, i worked on homework and finished in like 10 minutes...
so now, all i have to do is cut the paintings and paste it on a i'm thinking of going to school at leave by 8..?
yeaaaa..soounds good..
and its 2:15 now...