Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Good

Yea, today was actually a pretty good day.

Went to school.
i left around 7:50 ish and arrived at my school at 8:40.
finished some hmwk and left school around 11:20.
had another interview with "BE". pretty cool.
i think it went well...i think i might have gotten the job.. but not offcially yet..
i'll know by next keep those fingers crossed.

After my interview i went to pick up cami from school and had lunch with her.
Corner Bakery LEGIT!!! i freaking love that place. CLub Panini as use.
After went home. attempted to do hmwk but failed miserably.
After waking up from a nap, we decided to go to starbucks and to do the homework.
We arrive at Starbucks and failed Miserably again. Finding out that Jerick and Steve were at the BLock finding something for Nez... so i was tempted.

So after taking 2 steps inside Starbucks, we left to the block to meet up with Steve and Jerick.  Then after we went to Hooters for Nez's Bdayy party. MAn, the whole WEWANTNOG people were there... well not everyone. but enough to make me miss them.  Cami and i sat next to Kirst and Erwin... boy were they lucky...lucky to sit next to us.. like seriously...pssssh =]

But it was fun.. we had a couple of good laughs.. wheather if it was making fun of Law from the past Stuebenville or if it was making fun of Barbie Doll.  Either way it was awesome.

I'm Glad that i ended my night how it ended.. couldnt think of any other way to end it with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
For all the WEWANTNOG people who are moving on, i wish you the best of luck for you and your family and your Future. <3