Monday, March 1, 2010


the confirmation retreat was today. it went well , retreat wise. music wise was okay, i could've played better. i'm not sure if its just me being hard on myself but i FREAKING DID HORRIBLE! i kinda regret inviting my parents. they could've went to 730AM mass instead of waiting a whole day to go to mass. but oh well, what's done is done. after the CII retreat i went to Disneyland with Kirsten and Camila. it went well til i found out that i grabbed my LAST YEARS pass and left my wallet in the car. so i had to go all the way back to the structure and lagged Cami and Kirst. UGH! 'BLEH' playing, Guitar missing piece, Disneyland pass, I'm to much of a klutz today. but it after watching Cpt. EO it made me feel, somewhat, better.

on the plus note: i found out a couple things that i didn't really know about myself.
-I HATE being sick
-I HATE when people talk about my photography when they're not photographers.