Monday, November 3, 2008


on a cold Monday is legit.

so good that Space Mountain is only "8" minute walk ins..
ahahaha.. i dont think that make sense but its okay

Pixie Hallow finally opened..
the wait for that was longer than Space Mountain unfortunately..
but i think it was worth it.

but it was amazing.
cami and i did a lot in 8 hours.
-HSM3 show
-learned how to draw Donald Duck
-Soaring Over California
-HSM3 show
-Space Mountain (2)
-Astro Blaster
-Haunted Mansion
-Gadget Go Coaster
-Train Ride (around the park twice...only cause we fell asleep)
-Pixie Hallow
-Mickeys House
-Boat (toontown)

i think thats it..

but yea it was amazing. can't wait til small world and new fireworks and fantasmic are back.

So i'm gonna try to start a new way to blog..
i'm gonna try to take a picture of anything a day and post it for a blog.
so i'll start now.

-Space Mountain with floating water bottle.. =]